L.E.N.S. Method 4 Week Creative Photography Program • Boosting emotional strength. GIRLS 14-19


L.E.N.S. Method 4 Week Creative Photography Program • Boosting emotional strength. GIRLS 14-19


This is a 4 week group program, which meets live in the group 1x per week with me as your child’s guide.

My primary mission with this program is for your teen to discover how they can use photography (and digital devices) as an empowering force for good in their life.

This is a unique (and fun) way to learn about the 5 pillars of emotional resilience, and how to create better storytelling images, from an award-winning photographer (and a mom).

I’m gathering up to 10 teens that will meet on Zoom, 1x per week, for 4 weeks with me.

They’ll be given tools, resources and inspiration to create a series of images each week based on a series of different themes. The photo story prompts are inspired by concepts such as:

Mindfulness, Gratitude, Self-Awareness, Positive Relationships, Purpose.

✨ They will be inspired • Express their Creativity • Nurture her Spirit • Help Regulate their Nervous System • Tune into the Frequency (Resonance) of their Best Future Self • Connect with other teens online in a meaningful way • Boost their Self Confidence

✨ And they’ll receive a digital book template that I’ve created, which includes inspiring quotes and affirmations that they can drop their own photos into using Canva (a free web-based design tool).

• During the time in between our weekly sessions, they’ll be given a mission to create their own images, inspired by the photo story prompt from the previous week.

• Next they’ll upload their favorite images to a folder already labeled with their name to my private server.

• We’ll meet the following week, and they’ll have an opportunity to share their images. In a relaxed and supportive setting, we’ll talk about the photos and how it felt creating them. Then they’ll receive inspiration and guidance for the next week’s photo story prompt.

This 4 week program will be focused on these two main topics:


We’ll meet via Zoom for about 60 mins each week for 4 weeks.

Feel free to set up a call with me if you’d like to meet me and ask me any questions.

Suggested donation is $88 and will go toward funding a scholarship for one girl in need for a spot in my longer program when it launches.


Or feel free to send me an email at carey@careykirkella.com
